
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Planning Vintage Foundation Garments

I thought it would be a good idea to write down my goals and requirements for this challenge and since it is vintage pattern month on my blog I figured why not start the planning there!

Firstly: Winter Wind has arrived today and threatened to bring our first snow of the year; making me feel the need for some new warm and layerable clothing.

What I need:
  • new longer turtlenecks/long sleeve tee
  • longer jackets
  • pants the correct length and waist that won’t ride on my infusion sets (I'm a Type 1 Diabetic on an insulin pump)
  • pretty sweaters to replace hoodies
  • correct length in body and arms
  • warm for the winter and wind
  • layer-able
  • works with something else in my wardrobe
  • good colors or interesting design
  • looks professional/ like I know how to sew (for when I start teaching classes)
  • makes me feel beautiful
So after digging through my box of favorite vintage patterns, here's what I have come up with!
This jumper has no side seams and promises an interesting sewing time. Now, do I dare to make it in my hot pink corduroy?

 I am in love with these jackets! The center one is getting sized up and made in a deep brown velvet I found at the thrift store. It will allow me to wear some of my summer dresses into the fall and I am sure I will feel like Lizzy Bennet in it.
The other two would make good layering and professional looking pieces. I am not putting the big bow on the back of the peplum one though.

I have wanted a suspender skirt since last winter and I think it is time to get one made! All that fabric will have to keep me warm, right? Love the collar on the vest and how it is a tunic and vest in one. Great layerablity. 

I like the neckline and flow of this top. Simple, elegant and with long sleeves.

I like the tuck details on the two blouses on the right and the brown top just fascinates for some reason. I am not sure when or if these will get made up since I am going to whip up some long sleeve knit tops first.

And now we come to the hard part! I love dresses! How do I work them into my winter wardrobe? These were my four winterest patterns. The Advance and Mail Order patterns have skirts that wouldn't be a problem in the wind, but will they work for jumping snow drifts? I love the little details on all of them. They would definitely be statement pieces and I would get to use some of my AMazing vintage buttons too!

What do you think? Which dress is your favorite to adapt for winter? How do you wear dresses when it's cold outside?
After looking at all my ideas I think this is more of a dream list than a sewing reality. I guess I'll have to give it some more thought and see how time goes! 
Happy Fall Sewing Everyone!

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