
Friday, October 12, 2012

Pattern Patter with Denise

It was a bracing walk to the mailbox this morning with the thermometer reading 43* F and a stiff breeze blowing. Perfect weather to snuggle up to the sewing machine and make something. If you haven't found your perfect vintage pattern yet I'd like to introduce you to another wonderful seller.

Meet Denise from Denisecraft

     How did you get bit by the pattern collecting bug? 

Oh, I started sewing several years ago and kept wanting to find better and better patterns. I found vintage patterns on Ebay and started buying them. Then I thought, wow, I wonder where they get all these fabulous patterns and then I started looking everywhere for them, estate sales, local thrift stores, and garage sales. I started finding a few at first, then my search got broader and broader, as I found them. I was hooked in finding the perfect pattern.

Do you sew? Vintage, Modern, or Both? 
I sew everything I can when I get time away from my pattern shop.

Do you have any sewing tips for those of us who do sew with vintage patterns? 
Trace, trace, trace. Don't cut those vintage patterns, and then refold them when you are done.

Any tips for telling how to find great vintage patterns to sew with? 
Check out the various Etsy teams on patterns. My favorite is PatternPatter

What is your favorite pattern of all time? Why? 
That is a tough one. I think it is a modern pattern made by New Look for a pair of toddler pants with a flared bottom along with a dress. It turned out very darling. I did it in purple for my niece. It is still my favorite picture.

Why did you start an Etsy store?
I love the home town atmosphere of Etsy and it fit my style. The fees are really reasonable and it is not to hard to set up the store. 

What is your favorite part of the selling process? 
My favorite part is the hunt and dreaming about the different styles from all those vintage patterns. 
Least Favorite? 
My least favorite has got to be counting pieces. I really do check everyone of my patterns just to be sure it is perfect for the buyer. 

What is your favorite item in your shop right now? 

I really love all the little girl vintage patterns. They are so adorable. 

These little girls will keep warm.
What a fun skirt!
Love the little girl in red!
How lovely is this dress?

Which item do you just want to go away? 
I don't really have any that I want to go away. 

Thank you Denise for sharing a glimpse behind the scenes of a vintage pattern seller. To see more of her great patterns be sure to browse through her store, Denisecraft
Anyone else planning your fall sewing? Are vintage patterns on the list?

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