
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Challenge Accepted!

Isn't it amazing when you have been thinking about something for awhile and suddenly you find someone has written it out so succinctly? I want to introduce two challenges I recently found in the blogosphere that I am happily accepting!

Cindy of Cation Designs has decided to fill out her me-made wardrobe by making what most often ends up in her laundry. She even designed this cute button for those of us who want to participate.

I had already started doing this since I am taller than average and Ready To Wear doesn't always fit right. Plus why pay extra for something that may be long enough when I enjoy sewing it for myself and can get the perfect length!

The second, and actual challenge is from Mari of Disparate Disciplines. You must go check out her fascinating thoughts on sewing the basics v. foundation pieces and how clothing effects our moods.
Disparate Disciplines
Here, in her own words she defines a FOUNDATION GARMENT.
     "What is a foundation garment say you?
  • A garment that goes beyond the simple, solid colors, materials, or construction of basic garments.
  • Any garment that can anchor multiple outfits as the focal point.
  • Often a garment upon which you can layer other things."
She has even given us a deadline!! January 1st we are supposed to have everything done so we can start the new year feeling brilliant. This challenge will help me take the time to focus on making sure I will actually wear what I sew and it will fit into my existing wardrobe. I love the idea of taking something necessary and basic and turning it into something a bit more special!

The third reason I am doing this.... 
That, my friends, is a huge pile of mostly knits that lives on the floor of my sewing/bedroom and it NEEDS TO BE USED! I have a very large pile of woven fabric that needs attention as well but I can only confess so much in one post. So I will be fulfilling these challenges with my stash!! No more fabric shopping for me! (I will probably need reminding of this down the road.)

I think I have set myself enough challenges for this fall. How about you? Do you have any amazing fall sewing projects? Do you have a stash threatening to overwhelm you?


  1. So excited to see that you're trying to beef up your wardrobe too! That is quite a hefty pile of knits, so it looks like you're good to go stash-wise!

  2. Yep! I am ready to decrease the stash and make some beautiful, properly fitting things!
