
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I WANT This Dress!!

It's beautiful! I want to wear it! Fit with mobility. Plus I love layers, (since I am always the coldest person in the room) and jumpers (since they merge well with my existing wardrobe).

The problem is it conflicts with my pattern stash rules.

Pattern Stash Rules:
* No Factory Folds
* Must be something I can sew for people in my life now. (children's patterns sneak in here)
* Must be my size
* Must be very unique if not in my size

As you can see it violates two of my rules. What's a girl to do when business clashes with her love of sewing? I finally decided to list it hoping it goes to a happy home that sends me pictures of the beautiful finished garments.
But, I have carefully studied the pattern diagram so when I get around to learning pattern drafting this can be one of my first experiments!
How about you? How do you decide what to sell and what to keep? When do you decide to alter a pattern to fit or let it go down the road?

1 comment:

  1. I want it too and that figure ;)Actually I had that dress once and that figure :P
