
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello World! 
Like Evie Teale, I too am taking pen in hand to send my thoughts out into the wide open spaces. I have found a vibrant community that I am looking forward to actively participating in.  So what can you expect to see from me?

     *Sewing! Lots and lots of sewing! I love to sew and have learned a lot from other bloggers and am         looking forward to continue sharing the knowledge.

  • My Etsy Store. Yes I am selling stuff! Very cool stuff that I want to share with you! So yes there will be some promotional stuff. 

  • Learning. As a young entrepreneur I am learning a lot about starting your own business, etc. Thanks to the connectivity of this day and age I am also looking forward to getting your feedback on the ideas that bounce around in this brain of mine!

  • Life. Sometimes it isn’t what you expect or plan for so I’ll be talking about that too. I can’t be the only diabetic with celiac disease, in my 20s, still living at home, trying to make ends meet. 

So hello! Welcome, thanks for stopping by and grabbing my first tumbleweed message! I hope you’ll catch another sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following your blog. Welcome to the Blogosphere ;)
